Grimaldi Alliance


Grimaldi Alliance

We have extensive experience in tax law, specifically focusing on:

  • Domestic and international tax planning;
  • Corporate tax advisory services;
  • Private equity and venture capital;
  • Domestic and international M&A transactions, with particular reference to leveraged buy-outs;
  • Structured finance transactions, including securitisations, bonds and structured finance products;
  • Extraordinary transactions;
  • Stock option plans;
  • Tax litigation;
  • Real estate transactions;
  • Tax due diligence.

We are honoured to be acnowledged as one of the leading law firms in tax law, distinguished by our exceptional expertise and commitment to delivering tailored solutions that precisely meet our clients’ needs.

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Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Sep 17 2024

Lens on Venezuela

Banking & Finance

The Venezuelan Central Bank (VCB) established the interest rates applicable to the obligations derived from employment relationships (59.20% and 47.60% - May and July 2024) and to transactions with credit cards (60.00% annual maximum lending rate and 17.00% annual minimum lending rate - June and August 2024). (Official Gazette of 08/16/2024. Official Notice. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette).


A Presidential Decree exempted the net taxable income of territorial source obtained by Cooperative Associations organized under the Decree with the Force of Special Law of Cooperative Associations from payment of income tax. The benefit of exemption will have a duration of one (1) year as from the date of publication of said Decree in Official Gazette and it may be extended for one (1) year. The exemption will be applied to the fiscal years in progress when the Decree becomes effective. (Official Gazette of 08/12/2024. Decree No. 4.976. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette).

The National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria - SENIAT) established the rate applicable to the calculation of late payment interest accrued during March, April, May, and June 2024. It was established that the weighted average interest rate for loans of the six (6) principal commercial and universal banks of the country with the highest volume of deposits, excluding portfolios with prime rates, set by the Venezuelan Central Bank (VCB) for March, April, May, and June are: 58.98%, 58.98%, 59.20%, and 59.25% respectively, which rates are to be increased 1.2 times for the calculation of late payment interest accrued during said months (Official Gazette of 08/21/2024. Administrative Rulings Nos. SNAT/2024/000068, SNAT/2021/000076, SNAT/2021/000077, SNAT/2022/000081).

The SENIAT legalized the issue and circulation of liquor warranty seals. (Official Gazette of 08/21/2024. Administrative Ruling No. SNAT/2024/000082. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette).

A Presidential Decree extended until 12/31/2024 the effectiveness of Decree No. 4.907, published in Official Gazette No. 6.784 Extraordinary of 12/29/2023 and extended by Decree No. 4.967, published in Official Gazette No. 6.818 Extraordinary of 06/28/2024, which Decree No. 4.907 establishes the exemptions from import duties and value added tax for the importation of goods indicated in Chapter II of said Decree.

Therefore, the exemptions or benefits indicated in Decree No. 4.907 continue to be in effect, in the terms and conditions that said Decree establishes. (Official Gazette of 08/30/2024. Decree No. 4.985. Entry into force. As from 09/01/2024).


The Ministries of the Popular Power for Economy, Finance, and Foreign Trade and for Transportation established, through a Joint Resolution, the regulation of the “Exporta Fácil Postal” service, which consists in an exportation service via mail, by means of the operating platform of the Instituto Postal Telegráfico de Venezuela (IPOSTEL) (Postal Telegraph Institute) or another authorized postal operator. The purpose of said Resolution is to establish the procedures for exportation of the products of startup entrepreneurs, micro, small and mediumsized entrepreneurs and artisans of the country, in order to achieve a fast process for the exit of the goods via mail. (Official Gazette of 08/15/2024. Resolution No. 005- 2024 and Resolution No. 034. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official

A Presidential Decree: 1. Ordered the elimination of the Ministry of the Popular Power for Youth and Sports and created the Ministry of the Popular Power for Youth and the Ministry of the Popular Power for Sports; 2. Ordered the elimination of the Ministry of the Popular Power for Urban Agriculture, the competence of which will be transferred to the Ministry of the Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, which will now be called Ministry of the Popular Power for Communes, Social Movements, and Urban Agriculture (Official Gazette No. 6.830 Extraordinary of 08/27/2024. Decree No. 4.980. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette).

A Presidential Decree assigned the National Institute for Socialist Training and Education (Instituto Nacional de Capacitación y Educación Socialista - INCES) to the Ministry of the Popular Power for the Social Process of Work. (Official Gazette of 08/28/2024. Decree No. 4.983. Entry into force: As from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette).

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Sep 06 2024

Lens on Brazil

Strategies for reducing taxes: adapting to the new rules of the Tax Reform in Brazil

In this article, we explore effective strategies for reducing taxes and ensuring compliance with the new rules of the Tax Reform in Brazil. Tax planning is a recurring topic on business and family agendas, especially with the imminent tax reform in Brazil. The new regulations will significantly impact the incidence of taxes on inheritances, donations and private pension plans.

What will change in inheritances with the new rules of the Tax Reform?

The main topic is the changes to the Causa Mortis and Donation Transfer Tax (ITCMD). Currently, each Brazilian state sets its own rate, which can be fixed or progressive, with a ceiling of 8%. With the reform, the ITCMD will become progressive, increasing according to the value of the estate.

In addition, the ITCMD will also be applied to open-ended private pension plans, including Free Benefit Generator Plans (PGBL) and Free Benefit Generator Life (VGBL). Amounts invested more than five years ago in the VGBL will not be taxed in the event of death.

Another significant change is the inclusion of ITCMD on inheritances and donations of assets abroad, a tax that until now did not exist for beneficiaries domiciled in Brazil. The Treasury estimates that the ITCMD represents 0.4% of the national tax burden, in line with the average for OECD countries.

Strategies to Minimize the Impacts of Tax Reform
  • Creating Family Holdings: One of the main strategies is to structure family holdings. For those who own a lot of real estate, for example, it is possible to set up a real estate holding company, transferring the real estate to the company and leaving the holding shares to the heirs.
  • Allocating resources abroad: For larger assets, allocating part of the resources abroad can be an alternative. This practice, if done legally and with income tax declared, helps to mitigate the “Brazil risk”.
  • Lifetime Gifting: Anticipating the transfer of assets while you are still alive is another strategy. With the tax reform, donating real estate and other assets before the new rules come into force can minimize future tax impacts.
  • Specialist advice: It is essential to rely on the advice of professionals who specialize in tax and succession planning.

The changes brought about by the tax reform require a careful review of estate planning. Anticipating and properly structuring the succession of assets can lead to significant tax savings and guarantee financial security for generations to come.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Aug 26 2024

Lens on Venezuela

A Presidential Decree extended until 12/09/2024 the effectiveness of Decree No. 4.525, published in Official Gazette of 06/09/2021 (Decree of Optimization and Revitalization of Exportation Processes). Therefore, the exemptions from the legal regimes for exportation indicated in said Decree No. 4.525 continue to be in effect, in the terms and conditions established in the same. (Official Gazette No. 6.820 Extraordinary of 07/01/2024. Decree No. 4.970. Entry into force: As from 06/09/2024). The National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria - SENIAT) authorized the issue and circulation of liquor warranty seals. (Official Gazette Administrative of Ruling 07/12/2024. No. SNAT/2024/000046. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette). A Presidential Decree set at zero percent (0%) the rate of the Tax on Large Financial Transactions for transactions made by the following taxpayers: (i) Legal persons and unincorporated economic entities, categorized as special taxpayers, for the payments made by them to the debit of their accounts with banks or financial institutions; (ii) Legal persons and unincorporated economic entities, categorized as special taxpayers, for the payments made by them without the intervention of financial institutions. Cancellation is understood as the offset, novation and extinction of debts; (iii) Legal persons and unincorporated economic entities, legally related to a legal person or unincorporated economic entity, categorized as special taxpayer, for the payments made by them to the debit of their accounts with banks or financial institutions or without the intervention of financial institutions; (iv) Natural and legal persons and unincorporated legal entities that without being legally related to a legal person or unincorporated economic entity, categorized as special taxpayer, make payments for their account, to the debit of their accounts with banks or financial institutions or without the intervention of financial institutions. (Official Gazette No. 6.821 Extraordinary of 07/12/2024. Decree No. 4.972. Entry into force: As from 07/15/2024).

The National Assembly enacted the Law on Promotion of Non-Oil Exports. The purpose of the Law is to establish and develop mechanisms intended to facilitate the exportation of non-oil goods and services, generated in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in order to increase Venezuelan products’ participation and competitiveness in international markets, according to the commitments and obligations undertaken in the frame of the multilateral, regional, and bilateral trade mechanisms and for the country’s integral and sustainable development. Title IV of the Decree with the Status, Value and Force of Law of Banco de Comercio Exterior is repealed, as well as the other provisions of said Decree related to the promotion of exports and all provisions contrary to the Law on Promotion of Non-oil Exports. (Official Gazette No. 6.824 Extraordinary of 07/18/2024. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette).

The Ministry of the Popular Power for National Trade declared the following standards as Venezuelan COVENIN Standards of national character; the content of said standards will be published in the institutional web site of the Deconcentrated Service of Standardization, Quality, Metrology, and Technical Regulations (Servicio Desconcentrado de Normalización, Calidad, Metrología y Reglamentos Técnicos - SENCAMER) ( (Official Gazette of 07/10/2024. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette).

Resolution No.Venezuelan COVENIN Standard No.It substitutes for Venezuelan COVENIN Standard No.
080/20245035:2024 “Food for celiac persons, non-celiac gluten-sensitive persons, and wheat allergic persons.”
081/ 20241431:2024 “Bottled drinking water. Requirements. (1st. Review).”1431:1982
Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Aug 19 2024

Regulation (EU) 2024/2019 - Summary Note

On 12 August, Regulation (EU) 2024/2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 (the “Regulation”) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, introducing several substantive and/or procedural amendments to Protocol no. 3 on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union (the “Statute” and “Court of Justice”).

Below is a summary of the amendments introduced by the Regulation.

  1. Granting of preliminary ruling jurisdiction in specific matters to the General Court

The Regulation introduces Article 50-ter conferring jurisdiction on the General Court of the European Union (the “General Court”) to hear and make references for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 of the TFEU falling within one or more of the following matters:

  1. the common system of value added tax;
  2. excise duties;
  3. the Customs Code;
  4. the tariff classification of goods in the Combined Nomenclature;
  5. compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding or delay or cancellation of transport services; and
  6. the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme.

Regarding points (a) to (d), Recital 9 of the Regulation clarifies that “Those area cover, at the time of the adoption of this Regulation, matters such as the determination of the tax base for the assessment of value added tax or the conditions for exemption from payment of that tax; the interpretation of the general arrangements for excise duty and of the framework relating to duties on alcohol, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, energy products and electricity; the elements on the basis of which import or export duties are applied in the context of trade in goods, such as the Common Customs Tariff, the origin and customs value of goods; import and export procedures, including the incurrence, determination and extinction of a customs debt; specific customs arrangements; the system of relief from customs duties as well as the interpretation of specific tariff headings and the criteria for the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature laid down in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2658/87”.

With reference to point (e), recital 10 of the Regulation clarifies that these matters “cover matters that are at the time of the adoption of this Regulation regulated by Regulations (EC) No. 261/2004 [air transport], (EU) No. 1177/2010 [maritime transport], (EU) No. 181/2011 [bus and coach transport] and (EU) 2021/782 [rail transport] of the European Parliament and of the Council”.

With reference to point (f), recital 10 of the Regulation clarifies that this scheme “at the time of the adoption of this Regulation is regulated by Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and by the acts adopted on the basis of that Directive”.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to paragraph 2 of the new Article 50-ter, the Court of Justice will retain jurisdiction to hear and make references for preliminary rulings raising “independent questions concerning the interpretation of primary law, public international law, general principles of law or the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union”.

Furthermore, under paragraph 3 of the new provision, references for preliminary rulings under Article 267 must be made to the Court of Justice. The Court – “as soon as possible” and in accordance with the procedures laid down in its Rules of Procedure – will then determine whether the request falls exclusively within the matters under the General Court’s jurisdiction and, if so, will transfer the case to the General Court.

  • Participation in the proceedings by the European Parliament, the Council and the European Central Bank

The Regulation amends Article 23 of the Statute to stipulate that, where a matter is referred for a preliminary ruling, the decision of the national court or tribunal to stay the proceedings must be notified by the Registry of the Court. This notification must be made not only to the parties involved, the Member States, the Commission and the Union institution or body or entity that adopted the act whose validity or interpretation is being challenged, as already provided for in Article 23 – but also to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Central Bank.

Under the newly added paragraph 2, if the European Parliament, the Council and the European Central Bank consider that they have “a particular interest in the questions raised by the reference for a preliminary ruling”, they may submit statements of case or written observations within two months of receiving the notification.

Under the new paragraph 3, pleadings or written observations submitted by an interested party will be published on the website of the Court of Justice “within a reasonable time” after the case is closed, unless that interested party objects to the publication of its pleadings or written observations.

  • Election of Advocates General to handle references for preliminary rulings assigned to the General Court

The Regulation introduce Article 49-bis of the Statute, establishing that, in the handling of references for a preliminary ruling, the General Court shall be assisted by one or more Advocates General, elected for a term of 3 years – with the possibility of one renewal - from among the Judges of the General Court.

  • Establishment of the Intermediate Chamber of the General Court

The Regulation amends Article 50 of the Statute to introduce, with reference to the composition of the General Court, an intermediate chamber positioned between the chambers composed of five judges and the Grand Chamber.

According to the wording of the new Article 50, the General Court may convene in: (a) chambers of three or five judges; (b) an intermediate chamber; and (c) the grand chamber. In addition, consistent with the existing provisions, the General Court may in some cases make decisions by a single judge.

The new provision provides that, in proceedings relating to a matter referred for a preliminary ruling, the General Court will convene in an intermediate chamber at the request of a Member State or an institution of the Union involved in the case.

  • Referral of cases to the Court of Justice or the General Court for preliminary rulings

The Regulation amend Article 50 of the Statute to establish, in line with the provisions regarding the handling of cases:

  • if the General Court determines that it lacks jurisdiction to hear a reference for a preliminary ruling, it shall refer the case to the Court of Justice;
  • if the Court of Justice finds that it lacks jurisdiction to hear a reference for a preliminary ruling, it must refer the case back to the General Court, which cannot refuse jurisdiction in such instances.

In connection with the above-mentioned referral mechanism, recital 18 of the Rules of Procedure further clarifies that “the General Court may, pursuant to Article 256(3), second subparagraph, TFEU, refer to the Court of Justice a case that falls within its jurisdiction but requires a decision of principle likely to affect the unity or consistency of Union law”.

  • Expansion of the procedure for the prior admission of appeals

The Regulation revises Article 58a to broaden the scope of the procedure for prior admission of appeals by the Court of Justice. This expansion includes:

  • appeals against a decision of the General Court regarding the decision of an independent Board of Appeals of a body or entity of the Union which, as of 1 May 2019, had such a Board of Appeals but was not expressly covered by the previous version of Article 58a.

These Union bodies/entities include: (a) the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators; (b) the Single Resolution Board; (c) the European Banking Authority; (d) the European Securities and Markets Authority; (e) the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority; and (f) the European Union Railway Agency; and

  • litigation concerning the enforcement of contracts containing an arbitration clause.
  • Introduction of the consultation procedure for applications or proposals to amend the Statutes

The Regulation introduces Article 62-quinquies which mandates that before submitting an application or a proposal to amend the Statute, the Court of Justice or, where appropriate, the Commission must first conduct “extensive consultations”.


The Regulation will enter into force on 1 September 2024 and includes a transitional arrangement as follows:

- any references for preliminary rulings pending before the Court of Justice on 1 October 2024 will in any event continue to be handled by the Court of Justice itself;

- appeals concerning:

(i) decisions of the General Court relating to a decision of a Board of Appeals of one of the bodies/entities of the Union listed in points (a) to (e) of paragraph 6 above; and

(ii) decisions concerning the enforcement of a contract containing an arbitration clause

that are before the Court of Justice on 1 September 2024 shall not be subject to the aforementioned procedure of prior admission of appeals.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jul 18 2024

Lens on Switzerland

Referendum in Ticino: new facilities for taxpayers

On June 9, 2024, the people of Ticino voted on an amendment to the 1994 Tax Law, thus avoiding a 3% increase on taxes from 2023.

The approved reform is beneficial and provides certain concessions for taxpayers. Specifically:

- Linear reduction of income tax rates by 1.667% from 2024.

- Increase in deductions for other business expenses (to the flat amount of CHF 3,000).

- Reduction of the top rate for inheritance and gift tax, favoring new family models and business transfers (with reduction of the top rate for concubines and other parental figures by affinity from 41% to 15.5%)

- Capping the rate on pension plan capital benefits at 3%, preventing the departure of good taxpayers outside the canton

- Reducing the maximum cantonal tax rate to 12% for individuals, improving the canton's position in intercantonal tax competition.

Implementation of the Reform thus mitigates the effects of the cantonal tax rate hike and encourages the arrival of new taxpayers. In addition to the immediate benefits, the proposed changes to the Tax Law stimulate cantonal economic growth in the long run by increasing overall tax revenues to be allocated to public works and services.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jul 17 2024

Lens on Venezuela


The National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria - SENIAT) established the rate applicable to the calculation of late payment interest accrued during February 2024. It was established that the weighted average interest rates for loans of the six (6) principal commercial and universal banks of the country with the highest volume of deposits, excluding portfolios with prime rates, set by the Venezuelan Central Bank (VCB) for February 2024 is of 58.59%, which rate is to be increased 1.2 times for the calculation of late payment interest accrued during said month. (Official Gazette of 06/03/2024. Administrative Ruling SNAT/2024/000033).

A Presidential Decree extended until 08/31/2024 the validity of Decree No. 4.907, published in Official Gazette No. 6.784 Extraordinary of 12/29/2023, which established the exemptions from import duties and value added tax for the importation of the goods indicated in the same. Therefore, the exemptions or benefits established in said Decree No. 4.907 continue to be in force, in the terms and conditions established in the same. (Official Gazette No. 6.818 Extraordinary of 06/28/2024. Decree No. 4.967. Entry into force: As from 07/01/2024).


The Ministry of the Popular Power for National Trade declared the following standards as Venezuelan COVENIN
Standards of national character; the content of said standards will be published in the institutional site of the Deconcentrated Service of Standardization, Quality, Metrology, and Technical Regulations (Servicio Desconcentrado de Normalización, Calidad, Metrología y Reglamentos Técnicos SENCAMER) (
(Official Gazette of 06/05/2024, 06/12/2024, and 06/28/2024. Entry into force: Upon publication in the Official Gazette).

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