This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.
The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.
- Competition Law and State Aid
- Sanctions
- Trade
- Energy and Green Deal
- Banking & Finance
- EU Funds
- Life Sciences
- Transport and Electric Vehicles
- Data, IP and Privacy
- Consultions and Calls
The European Commission launches consultation on Trade in e-waste & amendments to the Basel Convention annexes (03.07.2024) – The fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention amended the Basel Convention’s Annexes II, III and VIII to bring all imports and exports of electrical and electronic waste under the scope of that Convention. The amendments will enter into force from 01.01.2025 and will apply to all Parties to the Convention, including the EU and its Member States. This initiative incorporates these changes into EU law (EU Waste Shipment Regulation), which is due for publication in April 2024.
The European Commission launches consultation on Tariff quotas – amended rules on reference quantity requirement (03.07.2024) – Regulation (EU) 2020/760 lays down rules for EU importers to apply for import licences. Importers can apply for licenses for up to the average annual quantity of products with the same origin released for free circulation in the EU in the past 2 years. This initiative adjusts the rules on reference quantity to avoid any risk of market distortions posed by recent market developments in some sensitive sectors.
The European Commission launches EU environmental law – 2025 implementation review (05.07.2024) – The environmental implementation review is a regular cycle of analysis, dialogue and collaboration to improve the implementation of EU environmental policy and law in EU countries. This initiative identifies the main implementation gaps in EU countries and addresses their root causes, proposes solutions, provides technical assistance and facilitates the exchange of good practices, raises awareness and makes it easier for everyone involved to find information on implementing these policies.
The European Commission launches consultation on Cooperation on direct taxation (07.07.2024) – Directive 2011/16/EU (directive on administrative cooperation – DAC) establishes a system for secure administrative cooperation between the national tax authorities of EU countries and lays down rules and procedures for exchanging information. This evaluation will assess the effectiveness, efficiency and continued relevance of the DAC and its amendments (DAC2 to DAC6), as well as its coherence with other policy initiatives & priorities and the EU added value.
The European Commission launches consultation on energy labelling requirements for computers (18.07.2024) – The Regulation aims to help consumers choose the most energy-efficient computers by using a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). The energy label will also provide other useful information on durability and reparability. The consultation covers both the ecodesign and energy labelling initiatives. This consultation covers both the Eco-design and Energy labelling interlinked initiatives. You just need to provide feedback once.
The European Commission launches consultation on Trade in seal products – fitness check of EU rules (07.08.2024) – Seals are hunted in parts of the world for commercial, subsistence and cultural reasons. In 1983, following people’s concerns about animal welfare, the EU banned the import of certain seal pup skins. In 2009, a general ban on placing seal products on the EU market was introduced, with two exceptions. This initiative will assess if the rules in place remain fit for purpose, focusing on their socio-economic impact and their impact on seal populations.
The European Commission launches a call for evidence on Energy efficiency – Ecodesign requirements for air heating and cooling products (review) (31.08.2024)- In 2016, an Ecodesign measure on air heating products, cooling products, high-temperature process chillers and fan coil units set minimum energy-efficiency requirements, taking effect in 2018 and in 2021. The EU is now reviewing the Ecodesign measure considering technological progress and circular-economy objectives.
The European Commission launches consultation on Commercial vehicles – weights and dimensions (evaluation) (05.09.2024)- Under current EU rules, commercial vehicles in the EU carrying goods or passengers by road must meet the allowable weights and dimensions. This initiative will evaluate if the rules: ensure the smooth functioning of the single market improve the environmental performance of these vehicles while safeguarding road safety. Based on these findings, the Commission will assess options to address any identified regulatory and market failures.
The European Commission launches consultation on EU Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (“EMFAF”) 2021-2027 – midterm evaluation (13.09.2024) – This midterm evaluation assesses the state of implementation of the EMFAF for the 2021-2027 programming period. It examines the Fund’s effectiveness and efficiency, coherence with other policies relevance EU added value.
The European Commission launches consultation on Taking car rentals into other EU countries (23.09.2024)- National rules for using car rentals in other countries make car hire expensive and inefficient for the EU population. Rental companies also suffer, and inefficient rules for returning cars may lead to unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative aims to make it easier to take private car rentals into other EU countries by setting minimum EU rules on registration, cross-border use and returning cars.