
Grimaldi Alliance opera in Ecuador, Bolivia e Costa Rica attraverso lo studio legale VIVANCO & VIVANCO, uno dei più antichi studi legali del sud America fondato nel 1902.

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News from Bolivia

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Giu 05 2024

Radar on Bolivia

The MTEPS regulates the salary increase applied to workers for the 2024 fiscal year.

 On May 1, 2024, the Bolivian government promulgated Supreme Decree No. 5154, which aims to establish a 3% increase in the basic salary and a 5.85% increase in the National Minimum Wage, resulting in a new amount of Bs.2,500. It applies to all private sector workers. It will be retroactive from January 2024, must be paid by May 31, 2024, and reported to MTEPS by June 30, 2024. In the public sector, it applies to the following sectors: Health, Fiscal Teaching, Departmental Service of Social Management, Armed Forces, and Bolivian Police.

Tax incentives for the importation of flex-fuel technology vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

Supreme Decree No. 5142 of April 10, 2024. Supreme Decree 5142 implements customs and financial tax policies to incentivize the importation and manufacturing of flex-fuel technology vehicles, as well as tax incentives for importing hybrid vehicles. The objective is to "encourage the use of plant-based additives through the importation of flex-fuel technology vehicles, diversifying the energy matrix, and modifying the tax treatment for the importation of hybrid vehicles." The rates for the Customs Duty (GA) and the Specific Consumption Tax (ICE) for the importation of flex-fuel technology motor vehicles will be zero percent for three years, while the rates for the Customs Duty and the ICE for the importation of self-recharging hybrid vehicles will be 10%.

New Regulation for the Registration of Foreign Investment in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Board Resolution No. 043/2024 of March 26, 2024.

The president of the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), Edwin Rojas, presented the "Online RIOF System" (RIOF) developed by the Issuing Entity to facilitate the timely submission of this statistical information, allowing the creation of various specialized documents that it publishes, such as the "Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Report," the "Foreign Private Capital in Bolivia Report," and the "Private External Debt Report."

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Mag 23 2024

Radar on Bolivia


Disclosing duties

Bolivia has regulations to transparently disclose information and identify the holders of bearer shares. Official Gazette, April 5th, 2023. - With the purpose of disclosing information transparently and identifying the holders of bearer shares, this Supreme Decree aims at requiring commercial companies with bearer shares to submit information to the Authority for Business Supervision - AEMP. The companies must report current and future shareholders through an affidavit by the company’s legal representative. Non-compliance may result in fines and other legal actions.
Commercial Registry Before April 1st, 2022, the commercial service registry was carried out in Bolivia by the Foundation
for Business Development. The latter has been replaced by the Plurinational Service of Commercial Registry or Seprec. However, registration for merger operations were enabled in the Seprec only after January 16th, 2023, while the registration for spin-offs is still suspended until further notice.


Gold Law

Law No. 1503 of May 5th, 2023, authorized the Bolivian Central Bank to purchase gold in the domestic market to strengthen the international reserves. The law provides tax exemptions, including Value Added Tax (VAT), for gold transactions.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Mag 23 2023

Radar on Bolivia


National Tax Service (SIN)

Updating of the RAU Fixed Rate per Hectare

The SIN has completed the annual update of the Fixed Quotas per Hectare of the Unified Agricultural Regime (RAU) corresponding to the 2022 Management, impacting Bolivian agricultural producers.

Draft Law for the Integral Adoption of Cryptoassets
This bill seeks to establish a legal framework for the adoption of blockchain technology and the commercialization of crypto assets in Bolivia, including their use in the national payment system.


Regulation for the Action of Repetition for Tax Concepts

The ANB has implemented a new regulation governing the action of repetition for tax concepts, with significant changes in objectives and exclusions related to overpayments and their refund.

Tax Exemption Regulation
The regulations governing tax exemption requests have been modified, extending the deadlines for correcting requests to 10 business days and for issuing Tax Exemption Resolutions to 21 business days. In addition, exemption beneficiaries are required to be registered in the Single Customs Modernization System (SUMA) of the National Customs.

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