Costa Rica

Grimaldi Alliance opera in Ecuador, Bolivia e Costa Rica attraverso lo studio legale VIVANCO & VIVANCO, uno dei più antichi studi legali del sud America fondato nel 1902.

Essendo uno dei più antichi studi legali dell’America Latina, è particolarmente legato alla cultura della regione in tutti i suoi aspetti.


Attraverso il suo team di avvocati, oltre ad assistere attivamente clienti nazionali ed internazionali in tutte le aree del diritto, partecipa attivamente alla creazione e redazione di nuove leggi e allo sviluppo di progetti locali e multinazionali che testimoniano la sua capacità professionale.

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San José de Costa Rica

San José de Costa Rica

Estudio Juridico Vivanco&Vivanco S.A.
Escazú, San Rafael, Guachipelin,
Plaza Mundo, Piso 2, Ofi. 14.

News from Costa Rica

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Mag 23 2023

Radar on Costa Rica


180-days tourism visas

Resolution No. JUR-552-07-2023-ABM increased the term of tourist visas from 90 days to 180 days without the need for a consular visa for the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Portugal, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom, Uruguay.


Costa Rica to be out of the EU’s gray list for Income Tax changes

In September, a new Tax Law has been issued that introduces changes to the Income Tax Law where mainly the principle of territoriality that already existed in the Costa Rican legal system is maintained, reinforcing this position, however, rules are established so that passive income generated abroad is taxed in Costa Rica under certain conditions of double taxation. The introduction of taxation conditions for such foreign source income is what the European Union (EU) requires to remove Costa Rica from the gray list.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Gen 23 2023

Radar on Costa Rica

Foreign Investment

Simplified immigration and customs procedures for foreign investors

The government has announced that, by regulating Law N9996 it will simplify the immigration and customs procedures for foreign investors who meet certain criteria. These criteria include being classified as a rentier resident, pensioner resident, or investor, and having an investment of at least $150,000.
The simplified procedures include the establishment of preferential service windows for applications, and the ability of immigration authorities to consult public databases to verify investment information and other requirements.
This is a welcome development for foreign investors, as it will make it easier and faster for them to enter and stay in the country. It is also a sign that the government is committed to attracting foreign investment.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the simplified procedures:

  • Preferential service windows: There will be dedicated service windows at immigration offices for foreign investors who meet the criteria. This will allow them to get through the application process more quickly.
  • Public database consultation: Immigration authorities will be able to consult public databases to verify investment information and other requirements. This will help to speed up the process and reduce the amount of paperwork required.

Nearshoring: Costa Rica’s strength against global layoffs

Costa Rica is well-positioned to benefit from the global trend of nearshoring, which is the practice of moving business processes to countries that are close to the target market. This is because Costa Rica has a highly skilled workforce, a stable political environment, and a favorable tax regime. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile multinational layoffs, particularly in the
technology sector. This has led to concerns about the impact on Costa Rica’s economy. However, nearshoring could help to mitigate these effects.

Nearshoring can provide a number of advantages for businesses, including lower labor costs, shorter delivery times, and better cultural understanding. This is why many businesses are considering nearshoring their operations to Costa Rica.
The Central Bank of Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Coalition for Development Initiatives (CINDE) have both identified nearshoring as a key factor in reducing the impacts of multinational layoffs and investment cuts in the country.
In addition to nearshoring, the dynamism of the service sector is another factor that could help Costa Rica weather the storm of global layoffs. The service sector is already a major contributor to the Costa Rican economy, and it is expected to continue to grow in the years to come.
Overall, Costa Rica is well-positioned to benefit from the global trend of nearshoring. This could help to mitigate the effects of multinational layoffs and investment cuts, and it could also boost the country’s economy.

International Trade

MLI Costa Rica and Spain

The Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent BEPS (MLI) has come into effect between Costa Rica and Spain, starting January 1st, 2023. This means that there have been certain modifications and clarifications made to the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTA) between the two countries.
The MLI is an international treaty that aims to prevent tax avoidance and evasion. It does this by introducing measures, such as the following:

  • Preventing treaty shopping: This means preventing companies from using the DTA to avoid paying taxes in their home country.
  • Resolving conflicts of interpretation: This means clarifying the meaning of certain provisions in the DTA to prevent disputes between the two countries.
  • Addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS): This means preventing companies from shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions to avoid paying taxes.

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