Stati Uniti

Grimaldi Alliance opera negli Stati Uniti sia direttamente, che attraverso gli studii legali Granato Law e Melchionna PLLC.


Lo studio Granato Law è composto da avvocati d’impresa con una profonda specializzazione nell’ambito della tecnologia, dei media e della creator economy e si distingue per una vasta conoscenza ed esprienza nei settori della tecnologia e dei media.


Lo studio Melchionna PLLC ha grande expertise in ambito transazionale, con rilevante attenzione alle questioni normative, di compliance e di M&A/fiscalità.

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Melchionna PLLC

437 Madison Avenue, 24 Floor
New York NY 10022

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27 West 20th St. – Suite 1004
New York, NY 10011

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Granato Law

1801 Century Park East, Suite 2400 Los Angeles, CA 90067

I nostri professionisti

News from Stati Uniti

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Ott 22 2024

Corporate Transparency Act Compliance Project

The Corporate Transparency Act (the "CTA") took effect January 1, 2024.

  • Executive Summary
    • The CTA requires every reporting company that is not exempt to file a beneficial ownership report (a "Report") with FinCEN – the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the U.S. Treasury. The Report must include five discrete items of information for each Beneficial Owner of your Company. We may require to collect from you documents and information needed to help determine whether your company needs to file a FinCEN Report and, if so, who are the Beneficial Owners to be identified in that report. You will then be responsible for preparing your Report and filing it with FinCEN by the applicable deadline.
    • The CTA imposes a $500 per day fine on reporting companies that fail to file on time. In addition, a willful failure to file can be punished as a felony. If you have any questions, please contact one of our attorneys.

  • Background and Resources
    • Because the CTA is a new law that will require more than 30 million U.S. businesses to file a Report that they have never filed before, there is a great deal of concern is the market.
    • The CTA applies to any corporation, LLC or other legal entity formed by the filing of a document with a Secretary of State (or any entity formed outside the U.S. that is registered to do business in the U.S. by filing a document with a Secretary of State) (each, a "reporting company"). Some reporting companies are exempt from the CTA's requirements and the resources cited below can help you determine if your company may be exempt.
    • The CTA will require every non-exempt reporting company in existence prior to January 1, 2024, to file its initial Report with FinCEN by January 1, 2025.
    • Any company formed on or after January 1, 2024 (and before January 1, 2025), will need to file its first report within 90 calendar days after the date of formation (or the date of registration, in the case of a foreign reporting company).
    • Every non-exempt reporting company will need to identify its beneficial owners and, for each of them, provide their (a) full legal name, (b) residential address, (c) date of birth, (d) a "unique identifying number" (which can be a driver's license or passport) and (e) an image of the document that provides the unique identifying number.
    • Entities formed (or registered to do business in the U.S.) on or after January 1, 2024, will also need to provide this same information for the entity's "company applicant."
    • Importantly, after a reporting company files its initial Report, the reporting company will need to amend that Report within 30 calendar days after any change in its beneficial owners or their reported information. As a result, every reporting company should review its constituent documents and adopt a compliance policy to ensure that the company is able to comply with this requirement.
    • A great source of background information is the Small Entity Compliance Guide (available online) published by FinCEN to educate the market.

  • Assistance in Preparing Your Report Under the CTA.
Grimaldi Alliance


Ott 22 2024

Grimaldi Alliance si rafforza a New York con l’ingresso dello studio Melchionna PLLC

Grimaldi Alliance punta ancora alla crescita negli USA e a a New York con l'ingresso dello studio legale Melchionna PLLC, guidato dal suo fondatore Luca Melchionna, attivo da oltre venti cinque anni nella consulenza societaria, corporate governance, e nel diritto fiscale internazionale che porta con sé un team multidisciplinare di sofisticata esperienza che spazia dalla litigation, all’attivita’ transactional e alla compliance.

Questa espansione si inserisce nella strategia di Grimaldi Alliance volta a rafforzare la sua presenza negli Stati Uniti, per seguire da vicino clienti importanti e supportarli in operazioni di crescita e internazionalizzazione.

Luca Melchionna è un professionista altamente apprezzato nel mercato legale, specializzato in diritto transazionale, con un focus su compliance, M&A e diritto fiscale. Da anni assiste multinazionali e investitori istituzionali su tematiche di diritto societario, commerciale e fiscale. Il suo team ha una solida esperienza nell'accompagnare acquirenti e investitori nella costituzione e acquisizione di società negli Stati Uniti, nella gestione piu’ efficiente degli asset locali e nelle transazioni commerciali cross-border.

"Conosco e apprezzo Luca Melchionna da anni. È una figura di riferimento per molti stakeholder del mercato legale di New York, e il suo studio rappresenta un'eccellenza di qualità. Siamo orgogliosi di accoglierlo come partner di Grimaldi Alliance, rafforzando così la nostra presenza a New York. Questo passo rappresenta un ulteriore tassello della nostra strategia di crescita negli Stati Uniti, un mercato fondamentale per i nostri clienti internazionali," ha dichiarato Francesco Sciaudone, Managing Partner di Grimaldi Alliance.

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